I had this unfinished drawing around and I decided I wanted to retake it and finish it for the game awards of 2020!! They are gijinkas (personifications) based in the Switch, PS5 and Xbox series X and S consoles !! Hope you like them :D!!
Oh, by the way… They are friends and get along
This is a drawing I uploaded on December 11th of 2020.
The second image is an unpublished doodle I drew in which people was disrespecting the Switch because it was childish (as it happens in reality :’>) and both the PS5 and Xbox wanted to defend her.
Tenía este dibujo a medias y decidí que quería retomarlo y acabarlo para los game awards de 2020!! Son personificaciones basadas en la Switch, PS5 and Xbox series X y S !! Espero que os gusten :D!!
Ah, y por cierto… Son amigas y se llevan bien
Este es un dibujo que subí el 11 de diciembre de 2020.
La segunda imagen es un boceto que no había subido a ninguna parte en el cual la gente se metía con Switch porque era infantil (como ocurre en la realidad :’>), y PS5 y Xbox salían en su defensa.